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Hey, Kids.

How are you?

I thought I would kinda say a few words, because it's been almost a week since I'd written anything here. Plus, I've been feeling a little guilty for sticking Jack with all of the updating duties. And, a little more guilty that I'd left a bunch of people expecting words from me with nothing.

I just figured no one would actually want to read anything I have to say now that I'm not having boy angst, and I don't have the energy or the original words to describe the problems in my family. I'm painting a lot, so I've lost a lot of words in favor of color, the way it should be.

I'm doing really mind bending things, getting dirty, and failing miserably at quitting smoking.

I've found it's really hard to leave 90 something people waiting for something you're trying not to feel any more.

So, my heart felt apologies at my lack of stick-to-it-ive-ness. I've never been much to live up to expectations. And, the way everyone's hung around tells me maybe you guys know me better than I know myself.

I promise I'll be back when I've got something to say. Until then, I've given Jack Updating Power! so, expect some more words from him.

Until then, be good.



9:02 p.m. - 2003-08-22


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