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Fuck You. Number 15,237.

"Cheryl and Bob said they haven't seen you in years."

No one has seen me in years.

"Cheryl wanted to know if you were still just that petite little thing. I told her no."

I haven't been a petite little thing since I was 10.

Fuck you. Fuck you and your fucking weight obsessed fucking culture. And fuck your plastic surgery and air brushing. Fuck your eating disorders and poor self images.

Fuck you for making me feel like a goddamned fucking reject for years because THIS is what I am supposed to look like. THIS is me.

And, most importantly, fuck you, grandma, for thinking it's okay to comment every fucking chance you get. Go back to your miserable little self hatred hole and fuck off.

12:46 p.m. - 2003-06-21


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