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CD's and Assholes.

The CD was the soundtrack to Brown Sugar, a film I have not watched. I heard the song on the radio a few times, looked to see if she had a new album (she did not), found the song on said soundtrack.

The song is Erykah Badu - Love of My Life.

There are very, very, very few female singers I actually like, and she is one that I love.

Twenty dollars is a small price to pay for the next 10 years of listening to that song.

(Confidential to Splinter, I own a computer with 16 MB of RAM, and I'm running Windows 95 on a dial-up, that's why)

. . .

On a side note, I'd like to know why not a single reporter screamed at Shrub to answer the question? I mean, he just said the same things over and over.

The small amount of respect I had for Mr. Pie-Hole as a human being is now destroyed as he proves to me yet again, he is a complete ass.

Personally, I'd rather live in a country where I got shot for making this post than in a country where making myself heard gets me, and everyone else, no where. At least with a bullet hole in my head I'd have something to show for my loud mouth.

Everyone look. He's made such a huge deal about all of this from the get go, you had to know nothing could sway him. The leader of a country is never asked to eat crow, and if I thought anything would do any good, I would do it. This is a man that believes in God, yet is committing a sin.

George Bush is sinning, you bible beating mother fuckers.

This isn't about Iraq, or about freeing the people of Iraq. It isn't about terrorism. It isn't about what's right and what's wrong.

This is about Mr. Vagina's pride, people.

Not pride in hard work, nor pride in our freedom. This is his personal pride. How dumb does he look if NOW he says, "Yeah. We were wrong."

. . .

Is it just me, or does everyone who reads Virginia actually think Vagina in their heads?

. . .

And, also, being a woman, I feel I have every right to call President Bush all forms of vulgar terms for vagina, as I have one, and I can call it what ever I want.

Though, my personal favorite is Mr. Cunt.

If you don't like it, I'm not sorry.

6:35 p.m. - 2003-03-06


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