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I am currently writing this in note pad. Word gives me the creeps and constantly pisses me off when I run spell check on it and it brings up all of the html tags.

I'm actually going to go to bed soon, as there is no Prolific this evening to keep me awake laughing.

I'm beginning to think there is no such thing as "peak hours" any more. I personally think Andrew is turning it off at random will to piss me and Splinter off.

In other news, I've left a link in my old diary to my new diary, so for those of you just joining us from previously viewed hatred, Welcome!

We've had a change in programming here at the diary formerly known as Refluence. You have about a month to catch up on, so get to getting.

. . .

I'm so incredibly irritated at our government. It makes me sick, literally.

I'd like a random asshole who actually voted for this prick to come forward please. I'd like to hear some kind of rationale for why this guy is in office... I mean aside from the fact that Jed stuffed the boxes.

Personally, I'm waiting for a coup. How lovely would that be? I mean, we have a dictator already, what do we have left? A military coup! That would totally RULE! Or, some crazy left wing group with a lot of free guns from banks could take over.

The second thing I'm waiting for is concentration camps. Then we could continue to racial profile, alienate MORE countries, and have a giant revolution.

Why hasn't anyone tried to kill Bush-fuck yet? That's surprising.

. . .

As promised, details of my day:

Drank coffee.
Met with new manager. Start date a week from tomorrow.
For a dollar less an hour than was promised.
Ate lunch.
Played with my dad's puppy.
Visited with my dad. Helped him print some pictures.
Watched Oprah. (shut up)
Ate stuffing and realized I still don't like it.
Watched Jeopardy.
Played video games.
Wrote this piece of shit entry while cursing at diaryland.

. . .

I really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, miss you.

9:21 p.m. - 2003-03-04


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